Thursday, December 21, 2017

Oh, What Fun! Christmas Blog Party: Week 2

I can't believe that it's almost Christmas! And since it's almost Christmas, I need to do week 2 of the Oh, What Fun! Christmas blog party hosted by Jameson C. Smith. You can join in on the fun here: 🎅. Here we go!

Do you make any special treats during the holidays? Which are your favorites to make? Your favorites to eat?

Cookies, peanut butter fudge, and sausage balls are some of the treats that I make during the holidays. They're also my favorites to make and my favorites to eat.

Do you leave out the traditional milk and cookies or something else?

It's been a few years since we've done it, but we used to do the traditional milk and cookies. Although one year, I think it was cookies and Mountain Dew. 

Favorite holiday flavor/scent (peppermint, sugar cookie, cinnamon, etc.)?

In general, it's a toss up between gingerbread and peppermint. 

Decorating: Keep it simple or go all-out? Do you have any favorite decorations or ornaments?

My family usually keeps it pretty simple as far as decorating goes. I have a lot of favorite ornaments, but the one that means the most is an angel ornament with a picture of my grandma who passed away years ago. Having that ornament on the tree makes me feel like she's still always with us at Christmas.  

What is your can’t-miss Christmas special?

It is pretty much a family tradition that we watch A Christmas Story at least once during the holiday season. 

Show off your Christmas tree! 

Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Oh, What Fun! Christmas Blog Party: Week 1

This week, I'm participating in the Oh, What Fun! Christmas blog party hosted by Jameson C. Smith, which you can find more about here: 🎄. After all, what better way to celebrate Christmas on this blog than with two weeks of Christmas themed questions? So let's begin!

What’s your favorite holiday (it doesn’t have to be one from the “holiday season”)?

Christmas, of course!

How do you know when the holiday season has officially begun?

Right after Halloween. Christmas decorations are in stores, people are starting (or in some cases finishing) their Christmas shopping, people are getting ready for Thanksgiving. It just feels like everyone is starting to get into the holiday spirit.

What is your favorite part of the holidays?

The traditions, Christmas lights, music, holiday treats. Really, I love just about everything about the holidays!

Have any holiday wear? Show off those hats, socks, and ugly sweaters!

Unfortunately, no holiday wear here. I do want to get a Santa hat sometime though. 

Some friendly controversy: When is it appropriate to listen to Christmas tunes?

Whenever you want to. :) I usually start wanting to listen to Christmas music around the beginning of November, though there are a few songs that I'll listen to year round. 

Speaking of Christmas tunes: Share your favorites!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Essence of Heroes Character Aesthetics

A while back, I had some fun and made some character aesthetics for the five central characters in my Essence of Heroes series. I had shared these on Twitter, but I never got around to putting them up here on the blog until now. Along with the main aesthetics for the characters, I'm including links to their aesthetic boards on Pinterest in case you ever want to check them out. I've found that these are a pretty useful way to learn new things about your characters, because it really made me think about the things they liked and what they would be associated with.

Aly's Pinterest board:

Riley's Pinterest board:

Leo's Pinterest board:

Becca's Pinterest board:

Vanessa's Pinterest board: